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Discover the payment solutions and services that can help you improve cash flow and streamline efficiency

Accept popular payment methods

Enjoy fast, flexible processing for credit card payments, debit card payments, gift cards, digital wallets, payment links, mobile payments, QR codes, ACH, checks and e-checks, online payments and more

Offload costs with our  surcharge program

With bills to pay and salaries to cover, you can't afford to wait around for slow deposits to clear.

Invoice with Payments Manager+

All-in-one, cloud-based invoicing solution built for small businesses 

Get Paid on time with Bill Pay

Secure funding with Heartland Capital

A lending solution that offers business loans and lines of credit.

Accelerate your collections with account receivable automation using our AR software

people paying

Accept payments,
anytime, anywhere

Allow your customers to checkout in person, online, and on the go

Payments technology for all


mobile pay

Your handheld payments device


Virtual Terminal

Turn your computer, mobile device or tablet, into a virtual terminal for secure credit card processing.

mobile pay

Card Readers

Process credit and debit card transactions for all the major card brands.

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By submitting this form, you consent to our privacy policy and agree to receive communications from us. Your information is kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties. You may opt-out of communications at any time.

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